Understand This.

Understand This.

Understand this. You are all welcome here; the pain, the suffering, the sadness, the despair, the longing, and the sorrow. Even the darkness may come, draped and smothered in fear, but your time is limited, enjoy it, because you will not strip me of this Light, my Light, this Love; it is my say when it is time for you to go. Understand this.

Now, come, leave your muddy boots at the door, and come rest your tired heart.


   “Can you imagine just how long I have been made an enemy to life, simply because most are so afraid to meet me that they work tirelessly trying to avoid me at all cost?” Death questioned gently before casually sipping on her tea.

“Can you imagine just how long I have been made an enemy to life, simply because most are so afraid to meet me that they work tirelessly trying to avoid me at all cost?” Death questioned gently before casually sipping on her tea.



It is hard. It is hard some days just to put your feet on the floor. I know this well. It is hard to muster a smile. It is a struggle to keep your head above water. Oh why can’t someone just see me. Why can’t someone enter my space, take note of me and tend to me simply because I am worthy of being saved. Life is trying. It is lonely. It is an arduous process of becoming and unbecoming. It is failure meets faith, time and over again. It is painstaking heartache for the Soul purpose of facing forgiveness in all directions, inward and out. It is the darkness seeking to fulfill the temptation of a heart once not well just to smother it in despair. It is glory and grace, it is divine, and it is unlike anything we will know again. It is but one chance to unfold as untethered and messy as can be. It is life. It is time comprised of moments that we are consistently choosing from which we allow to shape us. It is traumatic. It is stunning. It is terrifying. It is life, it is unlike anything we will know again, and I encourage you to seek the celebration in it all.

May Love be with you as you work to find your way.

Peace on Earth.

Peace & Love

Peace & Love

Please try to keep in mind as you move throughout your day, your moments, your practices, and your fights within to find peace, that this day is all that you have, and there is nothing ahead nor anything behind that has been placed on your path to burden this day. This day is anew, like a child first breathing the air of this world, this day is your grand welcoming home and your arrival into The Light. There is no darkness to battle, no pressure to tame, there is only you and the grace from which you rose that sits waiting in your heart and in the calling of your name.

Peace be with you.

Love & Boundaries

Love & Boundaries

I was asked my thoughts on Love and boundaries, and how I see the role of each in relationship with another. 

“See, here’s the rub… and I’m not sure it’s to be expected that we Love like The Almighty Creator, I mean how could we, but if unconditional Love is the goal, if that plays into our role as Human-Beings and Ascension, then what does that look like with boundaries? Is it the giving, or what we often perceive as being the “over-giving” of Love that warrants having to pull back or create restrictions, or is it the lack of reciprocation that creates the desire for boundaries? Either way, boundaries indicate some level of an imbalance between two, but more commonly, just one. If the duty here with my time is to be of service and to do so through Love, then that is the objective, and anything outside of that would be a call on the Ego, which is seeking gratification and fulfillment from something outside of Love, God, Creator, Divine. Or it is a power play by Ego for control over another, rooted in resentment for a lack-of or imbalance in receiving equal to or greater than?

Love shouldn’t be taxed for character. You Love, and then you manage the relationship, of whatever capacity. So ask yourself - am I unsafe in this environment, or do I feel like I am not able to Love all the way because… - and maybe it’s as simple as you feeling like you’re not able to Love with all the power of your Being because someone’s character is not able to receive it how you picture it should be, or how others may more typically receive your Love. We must Love people where they stand. And remember, being Human is not easy, for anyone, but Love and Character are not the same. We can Love and still not be aligned with character or behaviour. We Love the person, not the behaviour. That is ego seeking fulfillment, and it’s a damn tough lesson to get beyond because we’ve been groomed to believe that Love equals compatibility, and that there are degrees of Love, when in fact it is just one thing…Love.”



There is an awful disservice in the idea that we are not responsible for how we make each other feel or how others react to the things we say. It is a beautiful thing, surely, to occupy a space within where you find solace and comfort, regardless of the stirrings in the world around you, but that does not dismiss the responsibility we share in bringing comfort and Love to that same world around us. There is a wild lack of accountability in how thoughtless we are when dealing with each other and how self-serving we have become in our approach to life and our relationship with it, often neglecting our world and the wellbeing of others. We are misshaping the mental and emotional body’s in one another and in turn, hardening the heart, The Guide; it’s no wonder we’re lost. Our purpose is in Love, I won’t hear it any other way, and we must understand that there is only ONE Love, unconditional by design, and that all else are masks being worn by ego in effort to disguise the desires of character.
This Life is not to be lived through the eyes of one, but through the eyes of many, of all, in service to ONE, and when done so with Love we share a common and unshakable ground.

An apple is not shit because you have a distaste for apples, it simply doesn’t align with your taste; try to understand this.

Peace, more Love
Be kind, always.


   “It’s time to go now, dear,” she started, softly, as I looked up at her.  “Now, you must remember, they are going to try and fill you with anger, and even hatred. They are going to try and fill you with fear, and they are going to try and

“It’s time to go now, dear,” she started, softly, as I looked up at her.
“Now, you must remember, they are going to try and fill you with anger, and even hatred. They are going to try and fill you with fear, and they are going to try and rob you of your humanity…but you must remember, in even the darkest of moments, I am with you, always,” she explained, smiling gently as she held my hand.

“Is it going to hurt?” I asked.

“It will, yes,” she replied simply.

“Am I going to be okay?” I returned.

“You’re going to be great,” she insisted, still smiling.



Have we stopped working to create magic? Have we become so consumed by the darkness of this world that we are now blind to the Light?

Deep in the heart of every-ONE there was placed a seed of intention for purpose in service to time here on Earth. That seed was labeled ‘Creation’ at the dawn of Human Being coming into form, with access granted only through Love. Creator calls it wonder, curiosity, but most commonly Creator calls it Magic, for it is from where the unseen becomes visible.

Duty asks only that we try.



We all harness the same freedom of choice, coupled with a life path often set out before us as a guide to purpose. Each single journey is sacred and integral to the collective community, regardless of it being light or dark in the eyes of judgment. All acts of lessening the value of another are attempts made by the darkness to further separation and stifle the Light. The darkness being the one who wears a thousand masks, and the Light being the one who wears but One... Love.
Trust only in Love.



Tell me, why did you stop dancing?
Do you no longer look to the sky, can you not see that the very Universe from which you hail works to
gain your attention? Have you failed to hear the music between the beating of your heart as it waits, in agony, seeking its remedy, only to find its next moment of longing? There is celebration to be had. You are alive. The skies move in your favor. My Kingdom is not beyond this Earth, my Kingdom is this Earth, and until I reach my Paradise beyond the clouds where the Gods have marked for me, I will seek to find the music between the beating of my heart, for it is in those moments of longing where the Light comes to play at its brightest. It is in those moments of longing where I am closest with my Creator...and so, I dance.


   Fault no man for his inability to believe; the time with come, surely, when he finds himself scraping at the dirt beneath his fingernails, in search of himself.

Fault no man for his inability to believe; the time with come, surely, when he finds himself scraping at the dirt beneath his fingernails, in search of himself.



“Go ahead,” she started, softly. “Stomp your feet and turn your back on Love, but Love isn’t here for your understanding, it is not something for you to just will-away...it is you that Love has come to experience, it is you that Love has longed for,” she went on as I sat, quiet, humbled by her words.

“And so now tell me, just what does that say about how splendid you truly are, to know that love has dragged you all the way through time and space, as far back as creation was able to reach, just to experience you here and now...for you, My Dear, for you are The Light,” she finished, smiling ever so gently.

Happy Valentines Day.



Thirteen years ago today, I said goodnight to my dad. Twenty minutes later I was giving him CPR, and I had no innate idea of what I was doing but the lady I had on speakerphone through 911 was walking me through it; I was all alone. I’m not sure how long it was after that the ambulance showed up, but he was already gone, and I knew it in my heart even before I called for help. It’s a curious thing what time will do, how in some moments it will stretch, some it will shrink, and in some it will completely vanish, seemingly all in our favour. Time offered itself to me in every which way that night except the one I needed most…for it to rewind.
- A dear friend of mine, who has since passed, once told me that he would give anything he could, even years off his own life, just to sit across the table from his late father and share a meal. He even shook his finger at me and told me not to fuck around and take time for granted. Maybe I had taken time for granted, maybe that’s why time paid me such a powerful lesson that night with my father. -
I went on to dab myself with two drops of my dads’ aftershave every day until the bottle ran dry. I slept with his blanket and pillows until they were tattered. I wore his slippers, even outdoors, until the soles wore out. Nothing worked, nothing brought me closer to him than the time we once shared, which would all become memories with more and more time in between then and the continued sense of now, the only little piece of time that we ever really have. People often think that death brings people closer together, but it doesn’t, it’s life that does that, along with our ignorance of time. Life is for the living, it’s where people meet, fall in love, it’s where people gather to celebrate, or gather to mourn, but that’s life, that’s not death. Death is its own journey, but death is for the dead, death is without time, but in due time for us all. We all have a wonderful opportunity here to join with time and create a beautiful space, for love, for joy, for peace, for celebration, and even for mourning. I believe in my heart that we need each other, and I believe that time is as dependant on us as we are on it. I believe that each of us owe time a great debt of gratitude, and kindness, love, and peace, and joy, celebration, and harmony. We can’t always choose the circumstances or the terrain of our journey here through life and time, but we do have the opportunity, in each moment, to choose how we respond to it all. - A puddle is a nuisance to some and a playground for others.
Be kind and take care of each other, we are all in need.
Peace & Love.

Be Bold.

Be Bold.

Be bold. Bare your fucking soul. Stop pretending like we have all of this time to heal and show yourself to the Universe. Strip down, turn inside-out and heave yourself into the pits of vulnerability. Fuck this world, and fuck every single person that has made you feel lesser than or too scared to unfold; they are the real cowards, they are the ones battling the darkness and fears of the truth in their judgements of Self, and like you, their day will come when they can’t hide from themselves any longer. Rise up! You are worthy! You are not easy to walk away from, you are worth fighting for, so fuck every last person that ever gave up on you or made you feel like you weren’t worth the time or energy that it takes to Love someone. You know how to Love, so Love yourself, and Love the world around you with every fiber of your being and leave no one un-touched. Once in a lifetime. That’s what the fuck you are. Go. BE THAT! And be kind on your way.



First, tell us your name, where you’re from and where you live?

My name is Ginette Biro. I was born in Calgary, raised on the west coast of BC, and I currently live In Langley BC.

At what age did you first realize that you were able to communicate with Spirit, and that you were a channel for others?

Well, when I look back, I remember that at the age of five I could feel several spirits in my room on any given night; I couldn’t fully see them yet, at that point, but I knew they were there so that pretty much terrified me, lol. By seventeen I started hearing them, and then early in my twenties I was seeing them more regularly; although it wasn’t until my late twenties that I had a more peaceful grasp on it all and developed enough courage to speak my truth with people and to share what I was seeing/hearing.

How has staying true to your own vision contributed to your journey? - Are there any downsides in doing so?

Journey is the perfect word to explain it. I say this because it has been a road of blissful highs and deep, sorrowful lows. To embark on any spiritual journey requires a deep dive into the inner realms of the heart. It sounds light and fluffy but in truth it can be very revealing. I believe that anytime we are provided with true access to gifts, we are also given them with a great responsibility in how they are utilized and delivered. To understand this balance, we often need to understand many sides, and to truly understand something we have to experience it in some form. So, the more my gift has grown, and for which I am very grateful, it has also included many challenging experiences to give me a frame of reference in love and compassion of both others and Self.

So, having said that, the more I stay true to my authentic Self through it all, the more I can view all experiences from a lens of grace; and this allows all of it to be of value, as well, it helps to keep it from being convoluted. When we are in line with our personal truth(s) we are living in flow, and when we are in flow then we are working with the Universe, instead of against it. To me, this is magic on earth, and it can be expressed in so, so many ways.

What are some of the influences that drive your purpose?

Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are some deep-rooted influences that drive my purpose. The ability to help people release a fear of death, or a loss, or to believe that they are truly a part of something so much greater is what continues to inspire me.

What is your greatest joy in being a Medium?

Being able to be present in the magical moments of healing that come through a reading. Whether it is forgiveness that is given, or answers to questions, or funny anecdotes that confirm to the sitter that their loved one is in fact present, all of those things make the experience magical and quite awe-inspiring. It is a feeling of being connected to something so much greater, and a reinforcement that the Universe really does have our back.

Do you have any fears that challenge you when you are channeling?

I would say it is less a fear but more so a consideration in the sense that I deeply desire to always be as accurate as possible; I never want to blur the lines between channeling and brain/human ego, so I am always very conscious of that going into a session. I think years ago when I was first starting out, I would have considered this a fear, but now it is just something I take the time to be aware of and transition into a state of peace and clarity.

What is your process like when doing a reading for someone, and are there any variables that contribute to the clarity of a reading or your ability to communicate with Spirit?

I love reading for people! It is an opportunity to learn something new and it is like an invitation into another world or another story. I feel deeply privileged to be in that position, so I take it very seriously. In the beginning of a reading I always explain to people how my process works: how I connect with Spirit, how they communicate with me, and what the sitter can expect. This helps them feel at ease as a calm and open energy makes the session run so smoothly.

If someone is really closed off, or in a state of fear, there are times that Spirit will not share information yet as it would only trigger the sitter; this doesn’t happen very often, but it has happened. In any case that this has happened it has always proved fruitful upon our second meeting. So, I trust the process completely.

One thing I really try to explain is the fact that we are all connected to Spirit and can communicate individually. I like to explain that I am an interpreter and that the magic behind it is simply an awareness of a higher realm. It is not me that is giving the insights but rather I am repeating the insights that are being given to me for the sitter.

The people who come to you for readings, what do they mean to you?

They are beautiful soul teachers. Readings are always an opportunity to learn, to share and to express in a sacred space. They put their trust in me to connect them to Source and for that I am eternally grateful. I feel blessed to be in the position I am, and so I always do my best to ensure they feel the session is a safe place of no judgement, and that they can contact me for follow up information if needed. It can be a deeply revealing journey, and one that I find so much beauty in.

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?

You mean besides coffee?? It is to live in line with my purpose. To let this world be my place of inspiration. To make a difference here. To use this opportunity of a lifetime to bring some good to the world. In addition, I am learning soul lessons that are helping me connect more with Source.

When you're not actively ‘in purpose’ as a Medium, how do you spend your time?

At present, I am busy with my young kids. I have so much fun watching them and playing with them as they grow. I find whether they realize it or not they teach me so much about this 3D world every day; it’s really fun to see the world through their eyes.

I also enjoy time in nature, be it on hikes, camping, or playing outside. Mother Nature has so much nurturing energy, and it is just such an energetic balancer to spend time outside. I am so enthralled with the nature of our Planet, so I also love to travel and explore the world.

I also love dancing; I take dance classes which really help me to connect with myself. It is just so much fun and sometimes I feel we forget how to have fun, so this is a core part of keeping me grounded and joyful.

What’s coming up next for you?

I have launched a company called ‘Avalon Spirit’ that is about all things woo. “Woo” meaning spiritual things from meditations to workshops, seminars, readings, books, stones, incense and such. It is a platform for helping people on their journey of self-discovery and connection to Spirit and the Universe.

I have also written a book on my near-death experience, which I underwent last summer, and so I am looking into publishing options and getting that out into the hands of readers.

Is there anything else you’d like to share? Upcoming release dates, recent/new projects... anything?

I would love to invite people to listen to my podcast titled, ‘The Ginette Biro Podcast’ which is available on iTunes and Google Play. As well, we have an interactive page on Facebook called Avalon Spirit Inc. which has many videos and posts of channelings, meditations, and messages from Spirit.

Thanks for sharing your time, we look forward to all that is to come from you.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to share a little about my story!

Facebook – Avalon Spirit Inc.
Google Play - Podcast
iTunes - Podcast
Podbean - Podcast  

Check out all that Ginette is up to, to book a reading, listen to her podcast and more, by clicking the links above.

Peace, More Love.

Be Well.

Be Well.

Everything will fall apart, and it’s supposed to; what other way would you suggest to find the truth but for the veil of illusion to first be stripped away? Change is rarely comfortable for the conditioned mind, but you are being asked to find a new alignment now, one much closer to the heart. And so, the things that don’t feel so good are going to become louder now; you see, the Universe is working to steer you back to where you belong, becoming anew, chipping away at everything that no longer works for your highest good. 

Be well, and rest easy in the knowing of this, for you are The Light. 

Peace, more Love. 
Be Kind

Be Kind

Be Kind

I get it, inexperience can lead to insensitivity and lack of empathy, and so I can imagine that it’s much easier to judge and make comments off the cuff about guns and war when many of us know nothing of such a thing. Finding humor and standing firm in our opinions about immigrants and the unwelcoming of them appears to be entertaining to some because of the granted privilege that many have become accustomed to as it is near built into the foundation of the county from which we rose; the same country that permitted and enforced the stealing of children from their parents and the robbing of entire communities of their worth by working to dismantle their Spirits and uprooting their culture. 
I know nothing firsthand of the struggles and heartache shared by those seeking refuge from turmoil and war in their homeland. I know nothing firsthand of how it feels to have watched members of my family die in the shadows of starvation or any of the dozens of ailments and diseases that accompany hunger related issues. I know nothing firsthand of poverty. 
It’s easy to feel light and entitled when sheer circumstance has created the space for it; unlike the surely hundreds of millions of people being born within borders that will prove otherwise for the entirety of their time here on Earth. 

I have no interest in working to change or alter the thinking of anyone, moreover, anyone more concerned with the value of a dollar earned over the value of a life without access to a dollar. It is a shame that good fortune has left so many of us with such poor vision.

Fortune - chance or luck as an external, arbitrary force affecting human affairs. 

Privilege - a special right, advantage, or immunity granted or available only to a particular person or group.

Empathy - the ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Peace, more Love. 

Be kind.

The Other Side of Life

The Other Side of Life

You are fooling yourself if you don’t think that I will be calling on you, one day. There will be no ulterior motive, nor will my intention ever be to cause pain or hurt to you or anyone else in my doing so, regardless of the circumstance; it will more simply just be, our time. 
If I can take a few moments to talk with you about time, I’d like to speak into my curiosities while I have you here. 
-Firstly, can I ask, how do you feel about what you have done with the time that you have had? I know, you were new to the process and might have felt blindsided by some things, but overall, how to do you feel with how you’ve utilized your time? 
-Also, is love really what they say it is, you know, is it really as powerful and life-altering as it’s made out to be? I don’t ask because I’m unable to feel love, I in fact feel love quite deeply, but I’m wondering for you, for your experience with love, did it shake you up enough to move you? And I’m not talking about just any old love, I’m talking about stripping yourself down to vulnerability and throwing all caution to the wind just to dive into the depths of someone else’s soul in search of your own. Yes, that kind of Love.
-I’d like to know, is it worth it to be angry for so long, about anything, is the anger that purposeful and is your heart that unworthy of being free from the burden? Anger is something that I can say I have never felt, for whatever reason I was made impartial to such a thing, but I see how many of you spend your time in anger and so I’ve always been curious about its grip and what it must do as it has caused so much discomfort, but one can only think that there must be a good side to it if so many hold onto it for as long as they do. 
-This is one thing I’ve always adored to watch, and so I must ask...is laughter really as wonderful and joyous as it appears to be? Although much of that space seems to be reserved for children and those open and present enough to enjoy its bouts, I’ve always had a soft spot for a good laugh, and so again I find myself curious about your experience with laughter. 
-Three words in question form - Did You Dance? I’ve watched over the years how freeing it appears to be for the Spirit of a person to dance, and so I ask, did you experience this, did you dance? 
-How well and how often did you play? 
-How open were you to the experiences of others? 
-What was your relationship like with forgiveness? 
-How accepting and supportive were you of others? 
-Did you help where you could? 
-Were you more likely to pass someone in need than to stop and help with what you could? 
-Help is a big one here so I’m really going to dig into it. Did you feed those in need? Did you pass judgement on anyone for being of what you saw as a lesser circumstance than yourself? Did you have an open hand to those pleading for help with whatever you were able to offer? What did you do to help the world around you? 
Lastly, before I close this out...how, and for what, will you be remembered? Because let me say this; all of Creation had to fall in love with just the notion of you in order for you to be here, and the amount of circumstances that had to align for you to then materialize, for whatever length of time you have, is utterly unfathomable. The people that were lucky enough to love you will remember you, always and forever, and the people that you were lucky enough to love you will take with you in your heart when you go. And so I say to you this; be courageous with your time and your pursuits of purpose and fulfillment, find center in your heart and journey from there, use your mind and your gut to help guide you but lead with your heart as though it was the very same force that once delivered you to the world. Be kind. Be helpful. Be gentle. Laugh. Dance. Play. Forgive. Let go. And most of all, Love, with every ounce of your being, and nurture in others how to do the same, because that is how the world will take form for change. 

And listen, don’t get caught chasing time.

I will see you when I see you. 

Until then, 
The other side of Life. 

Dear Egypt

Dear Egypt

Dear Egypt, thank you. 

I’ve taken a few days since my return home to try and piece together my experience with you, and it’s going to be difficult for me to pair words together in an effort to better explain how I feel about you, but I will do my best. Firstly, thank you for calling out to me and inviting me to come spend some time with you, I am forever in your debt for your hospitality and kindness. Thank you for showing up so powerfully and with such love and grace in the faces of your people, there wasn’t a moment where I doubted my belonging, and that is a gift to the heart like no other. Egypt, my dear, the truth is, I’ve had a longing in me for a love like yours that has lasted many lifetimes, and so today I thank God for scattering parts of me in the Earth from which you rose and guiding me to reconnect with you, only to find the whole of myself in the reflection of your light. What you took from me in surrender, clearing space to become anew, I am grateful for. As well, thank you for the conversations with my Father, through the hearts of many. Thank you for the laughter, the tears, the healing, the friendships, old and new, and for each moment that I fell in Love. Egypt, your Sun rises in honour of the royalty in us all, and shines a warmth like no other place on Earth. Your Moon, the Great Storyteller, holds no judgement for the wrongdoings of man but rather celebrates our great resilience and artistry in faith. Egypt, you have left me in awe, and I will walk with you in each step until my return to you, Inshallah. 

My dear Egypt, there will never be a goodbye between you and I, for the heart knows you as the space between time, where only God has reign. 

Forever yours, I am.



It gets better. Believe in that. Not always easier, but better. There’s lots and lots of letting go that you’re going to be faced with. Do your best to not hold on so tight. Most of what we use over time to protect ourselves seemingly only causes more discomfort and upset as the call of Life sets out to find us. If you find a sadness in your heart, tend to it, comfort and embrace it, it is simply there to teach you about forgiveness. Life is extremely resilient, and not quite as precious as it is said to be, but you certainly are, and that, my dear, is something you should carry deep in your heart wherever you go. Pay attention to the signs, they’re everywhere, and they’re a stunning reminder of how much the Universe is in absolute Love with you and your journey through time here on Earth. Be gentle with yourself, more than anything else, be gentle with yourself, and without fail you will learn to be gentle with others, and that is how you will change the world. Love more than you can fathom being able to love, and Love through the fear of it all. Be kind. Be honest. Be fair. And most of all, Be You; the once in any lifetime that you are, the one and only and never again, whoever you are...You. Be that. 

Peace, more Love.
Be kind, always.