First, tell us your name, where you’re from and where you live?
My name is Ginette Biro. I was born in Calgary, raised on the west coast of BC, and I currently live In Langley BC.
At what age did you first realize that you were able to communicate with Spirit, and that you were a channel for others?
Well, when I look back, I remember that at the age of five I could feel several spirits in my room on any given night; I couldn’t fully see them yet, at that point, but I knew they were there so that pretty much terrified me, lol. By seventeen I started hearing them, and then early in my twenties I was seeing them more regularly; although it wasn’t until my late twenties that I had a more peaceful grasp on it all and developed enough courage to speak my truth with people and to share what I was seeing/hearing.
How has staying true to your own vision contributed to your journey? - Are there any downsides in doing so?
Journey is the perfect word to explain it. I say this because it has been a road of blissful highs and deep, sorrowful lows. To embark on any spiritual journey requires a deep dive into the inner realms of the heart. It sounds light and fluffy but in truth it can be very revealing. I believe that anytime we are provided with true access to gifts, we are also given them with a great responsibility in how they are utilized and delivered. To understand this balance, we often need to understand many sides, and to truly understand something we have to experience it in some form. So, the more my gift has grown, and for which I am very grateful, it has also included many challenging experiences to give me a frame of reference in love and compassion of both others and Self.
So, having said that, the more I stay true to my authentic Self through it all, the more I can view all experiences from a lens of grace; and this allows all of it to be of value, as well, it helps to keep it from being convoluted. When we are in line with our personal truth(s) we are living in flow, and when we are in flow then we are working with the Universe, instead of against it. To me, this is magic on earth, and it can be expressed in so, so many ways.
What are some of the influences that drive your purpose?
Kindness, compassion, and forgiveness are some deep-rooted influences that drive my purpose. The ability to help people release a fear of death, or a loss, or to believe that they are truly a part of something so much greater is what continues to inspire me.
What is your greatest joy in being a Medium?
Being able to be present in the magical moments of healing that come through a reading. Whether it is forgiveness that is given, or answers to questions, or funny anecdotes that confirm to the sitter that their loved one is in fact present, all of those things make the experience magical and quite awe-inspiring. It is a feeling of being connected to something so much greater, and a reinforcement that the Universe really does have our back.
Do you have any fears that challenge you when you are channeling?
I would say it is less a fear but more so a consideration in the sense that I deeply desire to always be as accurate as possible; I never want to blur the lines between channeling and brain/human ego, so I am always very conscious of that going into a session. I think years ago when I was first starting out, I would have considered this a fear, but now it is just something I take the time to be aware of and transition into a state of peace and clarity.
What is your process like when doing a reading for someone, and are there any variables that contribute to the clarity of a reading or your ability to communicate with Spirit?
I love reading for people! It is an opportunity to learn something new and it is like an invitation into another world or another story. I feel deeply privileged to be in that position, so I take it very seriously. In the beginning of a reading I always explain to people how my process works: how I connect with Spirit, how they communicate with me, and what the sitter can expect. This helps them feel at ease as a calm and open energy makes the session run so smoothly.
If someone is really closed off, or in a state of fear, there are times that Spirit will not share information yet as it would only trigger the sitter; this doesn’t happen very often, but it has happened. In any case that this has happened it has always proved fruitful upon our second meeting. So, I trust the process completely.
One thing I really try to explain is the fact that we are all connected to Spirit and can communicate individually. I like to explain that I am an interpreter and that the magic behind it is simply an awareness of a higher realm. It is not me that is giving the insights but rather I am repeating the insights that are being given to me for the sitter.
The people who come to you for readings, what do they mean to you?
They are beautiful soul teachers. Readings are always an opportunity to learn, to share and to express in a sacred space. They put their trust in me to connect them to Source and for that I am eternally grateful. I feel blessed to be in the position I am, and so I always do my best to ensure they feel the session is a safe place of no judgement, and that they can contact me for follow up information if needed. It can be a deeply revealing journey, and one that I find so much beauty in.
What inspires you to get out of bed each day?
You mean besides coffee?? It is to live in line with my purpose. To let this world be my place of inspiration. To make a difference here. To use this opportunity of a lifetime to bring some good to the world. In addition, I am learning soul lessons that are helping me connect more with Source.
When you're not actively ‘in purpose’ as a Medium, how do you spend your time?
At present, I am busy with my young kids. I have so much fun watching them and playing with them as they grow. I find whether they realize it or not they teach me so much about this 3D world every day; it’s really fun to see the world through their eyes.
I also enjoy time in nature, be it on hikes, camping, or playing outside. Mother Nature has so much nurturing energy, and it is just such an energetic balancer to spend time outside. I am so enthralled with the nature of our Planet, so I also love to travel and explore the world.
I also love dancing; I take dance classes which really help me to connect with myself. It is just so much fun and sometimes I feel we forget how to have fun, so this is a core part of keeping me grounded and joyful.
What’s coming up next for you?
I have launched a company called ‘Avalon Spirit’ that is about all things woo. “Woo” meaning spiritual things from meditations to workshops, seminars, readings, books, stones, incense and such. It is a platform for helping people on their journey of self-discovery and connection to Spirit and the Universe.
I have also written a book on my near-death experience, which I underwent last summer, and so I am looking into publishing options and getting that out into the hands of readers.
Is there anything else you’d like to share? Upcoming release dates, recent/new projects... anything?
I would love to invite people to listen to my podcast titled, ‘The Ginette Biro Podcast’ which is available on iTunes and Google Play. As well, we have an interactive page on Facebook called Avalon Spirit Inc. which has many videos and posts of channelings, meditations, and messages from Spirit.
Thanks for sharing your time, we look forward to all that is to come from you.
Thank you so much for this opportunity to share a little about my story!
Facebook – Avalon Spirit Inc.
Google Play - Podcast
iTunes - Podcast
Podbean - Podcast
Check out all that Ginette is up to, to book a reading, listen to her podcast and more, by clicking the links above.
Peace, More Love.