I was asked my thoughts on Love and boundaries, and how I see the role of each in relationship with another.
“See, here’s the rub… and I’m not sure it’s to be expected that we Love like The Almighty Creator, I mean how could we, but if unconditional Love is the goal, if that plays into our role as Human-Beings and Ascension, then what does that look like with boundaries? Is it the giving, or what we often perceive as being the “over-giving” of Love that warrants having to pull back or create restrictions, or is it the lack of reciprocation that creates the desire for boundaries? Either way, boundaries indicate some level of an imbalance between two, but more commonly, just one. If the duty here with my time is to be of service and to do so through Love, then that is the objective, and anything outside of that would be a call on the Ego, which is seeking gratification and fulfillment from something outside of Love, God, Creator, Divine. Or it is a power play by Ego for control over another, rooted in resentment for a lack-of or imbalance in receiving equal to or greater than?
Love shouldn’t be taxed for character. You Love, and then you manage the relationship, of whatever capacity. So ask yourself - am I unsafe in this environment, or do I feel like I am not able to Love all the way because… - and maybe it’s as simple as you feeling like you’re not able to Love with all the power of your Being because someone’s character is not able to receive it how you picture it should be, or how others may more typically receive your Love. We must Love people where they stand. And remember, being Human is not easy, for anyone, but Love and Character are not the same. We can Love and still not be aligned with character or behaviour. We Love the person, not the behaviour. That is ego seeking fulfillment, and it’s a damn tough lesson to get beyond because we’ve been groomed to believe that Love equals compatibility, and that there are degrees of Love, when in fact it is just one thing…Love.”