It gets better. Believe in that. Not always easier, but better. There’s lots and lots of letting go that you’re going to be faced with. Do your best to not hold on so tight. Most of what we use over time to protect ourselves seemingly only causes more discomfort and upset as the call of Life sets out to find us. If you find a sadness in your heart, tend to it, comfort and embrace it, it is simply there to teach you about forgiveness. Life is extremely resilient, and not quite as precious as it is said to be, but you certainly are, and that, my dear, is something you should carry deep in your heart wherever you go. Pay attention to the signs, they’re everywhere, and they’re a stunning reminder of how much the Universe is in absolute Love with you and your journey through time here on Earth. Be gentle with yourself, more than anything else, be gentle with yourself, and without fail you will learn to be gentle with others, and that is how you will change the world. Love more than you can fathom being able to love, and Love through the fear of it all. Be kind. Be honest. Be fair. And most of all, Be You; the once in any lifetime that you are, the one and only and never again, whoever you are...You. Be that.
Peace, more Love.
Be kind, always.