There is an awful disservice in the idea that we are not responsible for how we make each other feel or how others react to the things we say. It is a beautiful thing, surely, to occupy a space within where you find solace and comfort, regardless of the stirrings in the world around you, but that does not dismiss the responsibility we share in bringing comfort and Love to that same world around us. There is a wild lack of accountability in how thoughtless we are when dealing with each other and how self-serving we have become in our approach to life and our relationship with it, often neglecting our world and the wellbeing of others. We are misshaping the mental and emotional body’s in one another and in turn, hardening the heart, The Guide; it’s no wonder we’re lost. Our purpose is in Love, I won’t hear it any other way, and we must understand that there is only ONE Love, unconditional by design, and that all else are masks being worn by ego in effort to disguise the desires of character.
This Life is not to be lived through the eyes of one, but through the eyes of many, of all, in service to ONE, and when done so with Love we share a common and unshakable ground.
An apple is not shit because you have a distaste for apples, it simply doesn’t align with your taste; try to understand this.
Peace, more Love
Be kind, always.