Tre Nyce

Tre Nyce

First, tell us your name, where you’re from and where you live?

My name is Tre Nyce, I’m from #VanRonto - meaning I’m from both coasts, Vancouver and Toronto.

How long have you been making music, and how much of the process do you have a part in when it comes to the entirety of a song? 

Been recording music since I was 15, and I usually do both, production and writing, but I like working with different producers and letting their vibe dictate what I write about.

How has staying true to your own vision contributed to your journey? - Are there any 
downsides in doing so? 

Staying true to my vision has allowed me to mature as an artist and really get my point across. I feel like as an artist you go through seasons, similar to the weather, so as I've progressed and changed so has my vision and my content. It’s been a good and bad thing, but I think that's something you just have to accept as a creative person, and especially as a recording artist.

What are some of the influences that drive your creativity?

Life has been my biggest driving force for creativity. I find that whatever I'm going through or experiencing dictates my creative pace.

What is your greatest joy in making music?

I get true joy off creating something that sounds exactly as I envisioned it in my head. It’s like acing a hard ass math test and knowing you got a 100% before you even hand it in.

Do you have any fears that challenge you when you’re creating?

My only fear at this point is not being completely true to myself. 

What’s your writing process like and how important are lyrics to you?

I used to freestyle everything but recently I've gone back to my roots of writing. I feel like when I first started I really cared about the punchlines over the content. Now I'm focused on the message as much as I am the lyricism, and I feel like going back to writing has given me that focus.

What does your audience mean to you?

I’m not really sure how to answer that question because I feel like fame and success in this industry is so fleeting. I just prefer to keep it 100 with the people who take the time to follow up on my music and new releases, and I’m always thankful to them for every like, share, view or follow that I pick up along the way.

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?

Knowing that I'm getting better in all aspects. Setting myself apart, becoming more business savvy, understanding what my vision is and how I want to accomplish another step toward my version of success.

 When you're not making music how do you spend your time?

I have other business that I focus on, but my main priority is always my children and my family; they take up most of my time, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

What’s coming up next for you?

I will be releasing more singles on all music platforms as well as new videos in the very near future.

Is there anything else you’d like to share? Upcoming release dates, recent/new projects... anything.

New video to ‘Anything’ will drop in September, new audio - ‘Goin’ UP’ and ‘Tellin’ ME’ Ft. Tjin will be droppin’ mid- July and mid-August. KEEP IT LOCKED.


Check out all that Tre is up to by clicking the links above.

Peace, More Love.

Fear vs.

Fear vs.

I was visiting with a friend yesterday and we started talking about fish - wild salmon in particular... about how they leave the ocean, what feels like their “natural habitat", and they swim into the freshwater streams in order to spawn. Well, they’re not necessarily “built” for fresh water, they’re built for the ocean, however, it’s much like a calling home, it’s ingrained in them to return to where they themselves were brought to life. So, what happens on their journey through the freshwater is their scales start to stick together, some form a hump on their back and other deformities, and essentially they start to decay from the inside out, but yet they know they have a purpose to fulfill, which is to spawn, to further life, so they keep going, they stay true to the journey. After the eggs are laid and fertilized, they continue to die and quite poetically they end up feeding the entire ecosystem. I asked my friend, “can you imagine if fear got in the way of their purpose?” I went on, “It would start with just one fish at the opening of the stream, and slowly there would be a build-up of fish choosing to ignore their calling for the fear of what was to come... death.” We have been using whatever stories we can to distract ourselves from our purpose, in the illusion that if we manage to stay safe enough, we will survive. The “choices” we present ourselves with are ultimately just links on the chain of fear, spinning for the cause of self-preservation. 

And so today I say... Swim, as though God has ingrained it in your very DNA to do so, and don’t stop until you meet your mark and make it back home, having fulfilled your purpose. 

Peace, more Love.

Be Kind.



First, tell us your name, where you’re from and where you live?

Hey, my name is Braydon, and this is a loaded question. Hahaha. Number 1 and I am done…just kidding. I’m from Alberta, Canada. I currently live in Edmonton, Alberta, and I grew up in Leduc, and then Cold Lake for the later years.

How long have you been making music, and how much of the process do you have a part in when it comes to a song?

I’ve been making music, and maybe everybody’s definition of music is different, but I think I started making something that resembled a tune when I was 11yrs old…and I started writing songs after I got my first guitar when I was 12. Most the time, like 97% of the time I am writing by myself. The song is pretty much all written by me and then when I present it to the people playing with me in the recording process, that will often influence the structure of the song, and potentially lead to rearranging the song. This is one of my favorite things about recording with other people and collaborating; adding others always rounds out a song, but it will also transcend the original vision. New perspectives, new influences, new tambers, new hearts. All this new stuff can be taxing on our egos, but that being said, collaborating can be catastrophic if we resist transcendence. Transcendence happens when everyone involved trusts each other equally with their creative input. So, really all I am trying to say, within a nutshell, is collaboration can be, and usually is, a beautiful thing.

How has been staying true to your own vision contributed to your success? - Are there any downsides in doing so?

I am about to answer your questions with a question, haha. What is the definition of success??? I’m probably not successful in the eyes of any labels or even in many musicians’ eyes. I’m still building a reputation, and only have one album under my name. I have an unhealthy relationship with money, and I am not motivated by monetary/capital gain. The economy is a mad race that brings my life nothing but darkness. Consumerism is a messy, messy shit-storm that I am trying to escape.

What are some of the influences that drive your creativity?

My love for nature and all of its Magic. Nature has so many things for us, and so many people deny nature, our right as Creatures existing on a planet with trees, whales, turtles, grifola frondosa, mushrooms (Maitake), chaga, elephants, honey, and don’t you forget that I will always say Cannabis the Mother Mary Jane. Food is Medicine and medicine is food. I believe we are meant to have this Human experience, and to utilize this Human body and all of its capabilties. Why I mention this is because I also explore the spiritual side of things with utilizing nature, as in using fasting, which is intended for us to purify our bodies, minds, hearts, spirituality and even our sexuality. This also has inspired me. When I purify myself, I open myself up to the natural rhythms of the universe. It’s like shaking hands with God. Or as if I am aligning my existence to be open to the positive energy and flow of the universe. This is ultimate for my creativity. Meditation as well for the same reasons. Music, in many ways, is like meditation, and like group meditation, group music enjoyment is also inspiring; sharing music, especially live music, for the reason that it is live and is being made in that very moment.

What is your greatest joy in making music?

Working through new melodies and new hooks. Having the creative process take over and being amazed by where the free flow of listening to whatever it is I’m tapping into to make that song. Everything in life, it seems, can benefit from leveling UP our listening chops.

What’s your writing process like and how important are lyrics to you?

Every song is different. I am a musician first, and I like to make music that I would listen to. Lyrics that can make me think and give me new perspective; that is what I look for. I like to be challenged by a songs’ words; challenge my mind, challenge my heart, make me laugh, make me cry, but being consistent within the song is important. I am still an amateur in my songwriting, I have been doing it a long time and people buy my music, but I really don’t believe in templating songs or art. That is true selling out in my mind. It’s not about money and fame but it’s more about making shitty art, and art becomes shitty when it’s not original. It gets stale. Art with purpose. Clever art. Art that changes, it is not done by a machine or a template or an equation. So, my process is chaos. Maybe a joint or a bong is involved. Maybe I’m sitting on a cliff in the mountains or doing deep breathing outside in -25degree weather every 15 or 20 minutes, in-between sets at a piano.

What does your audience mean to you?

Music healed me, and I wrote an album as it healed me. I want to heal people with music. Music is a force…a universal force for healing. ‘Struggling’ is a song about hope off my album. HOPE. Hope. 15 for Hope??? we are on similar paths. Music is Medicine. I see people intensely listening to me live, or when people tell me a song was cleansing for them, WOW, I feel as though my purpose is being fulfilled. Music can manifest deep emotional cleansing. I am so grateful that what I share can connect with others. Connection is key in our survival.

What inspires you to get out of bed each day?


When you’re not making music, how do you spend your time?

I want to be aligned with nature, so I go for walks, do yoga, meditation, spending time with loved ones. I believe deeply in the power of fasting and I write a blog about that, and addictions, specializing in behavioural addiction. I have been a 12 step member for 5 years this coming August and I put a lot of my energy and time into serving my fellows.

What’s coming up next for you?

Summer shows!! Yeahhh! Haha. Maybe some other things, but right now I am prioritizing my conversion. #VANLIFE. I’m working on my tour bus and getting ready for the next phase of my musical journey. But for music, I have some big gigs. I am breaking into the festival scene in Alberta, starting with the Ravenwood Experience in Sherwood Park, July 20th, and I play the Rec-Room South Edmonton on September 14th. I have some private house shows, but things are popping up and I won’t be surprised when more shows show up. Links to my shows can be found here…

Is there anything else you’d like to share? Upcoming release dates, new projects...anything.

I’ve been working on the side with my friend, Shauna Marijauna, on a project called 420 Friends. It’s a slow growth project but we will be playing private shows, house concerts/SMOKE SHOWS, breaking the stigma of this Miraculous Herb. Sacred Plant Medicine being shared in a healing and community-building way. This is just one of the ways that I am becoming more involved with the cannabis community, but this much is true, the more I pursue my hearts’ true desire, the more the path for my Soul begins to Bloom.
Check out all that Braydon is up to by clicking the links above.

Peace, More Love.



They’re going to try and dim your light. Shine, it’s their own shadow that scares them. They’re going to ignore you. Stand tall, head up, you need not shout, your presence is enough. They’re going to pretend like you don’t matter. You do matter, unequivocally; as do they, they simply haven’t yet realized their worth. They’re going to try and find ways to hurt you. You don’t have to hurt, at all, ever. They’re going to slam doors shut on you. Forgiveness is the key to each one of those doors. They’re going to force you into goodbyes. Wish them well, there will be plenty of goodbyes for you in this lifetime. 

Peace, more Love.
Be Kind.



“I love when my work touches another human being…that’s probably the greatest joy.”

The Mighty


The Mighty

He delivers her with grace
Upon his back is where she lays
Led gently along by his Mother, Earth
He navigates as she prays
A teller of stories ten thousand years old
Mighty it would be if not given a name
A calling sent out by the heavens
Never again will land be the same
The travelling man has found his friend
The farmer a force to break ground
With Kings and Queens in carriages
His Majesty has not made a sound
Loyal to the fault found only in man
He dances with pride for his cause
His brothers and sisters still wild and free
Yet his honour not scarred or flawed
No longing for love in his makeup
For his life knows nothing of binds
And while she lay draped across his back
In each next step his purpose he finds
Gone long ago with the wind is his Spirit
One with the skies is his voice in song
A legacy shared by only the giver of life
In her company is where he belongs

This is a piece I wrote for Mariel Gomsrud and the launch of - check them out, they’re both doing some pretty important and special work right now.

Model - Mariel Gomsrud - IG @marielnoir
Photographer - Rick Rose - IG @rickrosephoto
Ecovocateur - IG - @ecovocateur




Flower Power, Baby!

WildflowerBoom was started by Chloe Norgaard (the ex model who had the rainbow hair) as a creative planting initiative which is all about guerilla gardening used to beautify but also support our environment.

Dreaming of a mountain on Earth Day, Chloe and the gang at WildflowerBoom, along with the helping hands of anyone interested in sharing the experience, will ride the lifts and throw seed bombs (a quarter sized round ball of soil, clay and wildflower seeds) off of them, aiming to hit their bullseyes, (made prior with natural paint). This in turn will create a colorful meadow of wildflowers for the spring and summers to come; and a very lovely sight to see, in my opinion. Doing this will also help the local habitat and its varied species, promoting biodiversity in the local ecosystem. **We should all know by now that our pollinators need some help, so why not create some amazingly awesome habitats for them in a fun and interactive way, by the very same hands and hearts that frequent these places we love.

If you can’t make it out to the mountain, you will surely find WildflowerBoom in communities all over, doing what they do… spreading the love one seed and flower at a time. And lastly, if there’s any way you’d like to show your support, by way of your helping hands or donation of time or other, please visit where you can also stay up to date on all that’s going on in and around your communities.

The idea is simple, fun, pretty and a great interactive way to plant seeds and help the environment. 
Join the Boom!







The little hand strikes to mark the passing of another hour
I press my palms into my sockets and scream
For I am my mother
The woman who would cut out her own insides
Season and cook them to a medium rare
To be sure her lover would never grow hungry
He drank from her fountain daily
And then had the audacity to furrow his brow
When the well dried up and the drought came

One summer
When he came to her fountain
To wash the smell of another woman off his body
She could not even produce tears
He had sucked her dry
And left her body pruned on the ground
And like clockwork
He let tears run from his own eyes
There can only be one victim here  

Like clockwork
Here I stand
My mother’s daughter
My well sucked dry
My body pruned on the floor 

And there you are
Flaunting your tears like diamonds in front of my dehydrated body
And like every woman in my lineage
I will pull myself up off the ground
And hold your needy body
Like clockwork

- Insanity For The Clockwork

Poetry by
Devin McCarthy



The world we live in today is so strange
From the old days of only meeting those within close range

You mean to tell me that I can meet the girl of my dreams
on a device, through the matrix, and the internet streams?

We scroll, we tap, we can see the images unfold
How do we know if what draws us in is what fate has foretold?

What is it that allows us to feel connection through the devices
And know the difference between real love and the superficial crisis?

There must be something cosmic for how we have access to the masses
An interconnecting unification of the world as it spins on it’s axis

I trust this integration and I believe in love
And beyond the screens on the phones, our hearts desires will rise above

I will know you, my love, when I hear you speak my name
And I know that however we came to meet will not be in vain

- Internet Love

Poetry by
Kayko Tamaki


And so it is.

And so it is.

There can be no other way; the proof is in the moment, here and now. Yes, the mind will do its best to convince you otherwise with curiosity, wonderment, dwelling, incessant thinking and nagging, but even still you must understand that any of those other “potential” outcomes or circumstances are simply in thought and were of lesser value to your path... which is why you are here, now. You are here, exactly where you are, because this moment was for your highest good, even if for no other reason than to come into the knowing of this, and any resistance you may feel is only due to your thinking that it should be otherwise. You are here because it’s what’s best for you; accept that. Accept with all of your heart that the entire Universe is working directly with your highest being to align you with your purpose, your true calling for your time here on Earth.
The paradise you are seeking is in the acceptance and knowing that there is no other moment than this one.
More Love.



Thirty minutes before this picture was taken yesterday I was crossing a rather quick-flowing stream, water up past my waist, to go explore a place I've been trying to visit for over a year; and near thirty minutes later I was being chased out of the bush by an angry Black Bear; rolling my ankle, tearing my shirt, and trying to stay present enough to still enjoy the experience... and I was all alone, with zero cell service and no one knowing where I was; but it was all worth it to me for this one exchange. 

These two flowers caught my eye; they were intertwined in a way that enabled them both to still be touched by the sun, depending on its placement in the sky, and neither was worse off or lesser than the other for it. I saw that as two Lives bound by circumstance and working near perfectly together to see that each received enough of all that was needed in order to survive. 

I understand that this journey of life really can be a story of ONE, and how ultimately we're always alone when it comes to the mind, whether that be in fear of the unknown, or caught up in the sometimes seeming battle of hope for how things will work out, or longing for a lover, or mourning a loss of any kind, but I also know that when we move beyond the mind and we're open to life and its miracles, and when we have people in our lives that are willing to share both the sun and the shade with us, and celebrate them each equally, it makes the unfolding of it all that much more magical, and we get to see the transformation from the journey of ONE into its intention of ONE-ness... and that the entire Universe is in our favour when we work with the system for the purpose of Life and its intention of harmony, sharing in and celebrating the Sun and the Shade.  

Peace & Love. 



Watch how she loves herself;
completely, unapologetically and without reason or comparison;
as though mirroring her Mother, Earth.
Each single breath a celebration, a new blossoming from within,
a specific knowing of her being just once in a lifetime,
anew, always,
even from moment to moment,
and she understands with all of her light the dire need to not miss a thing,
not for any other ONE, she will not compromise or sacrifice a single beat of Life,
she has no desire to answer the call and escape herself.
Patiently, she awaits the next space between each breath,
for that is where she has found the greatest secrets;
and just as the moon escorts her dreams to the stars in sleep,
the whispers of time swoop in to dance, stirring her boundless soul.

Dear Darkness

Dear Darkness

Dear Darkness,
         Man, this is gonna be a tough one but, I have to say goodbye now. We’ve been through so much together, so so much, and it’s hard for me to even think of you not being there by my side anymore, or to have you to call on if I need you, but the time has come and I have to move on.
  As I look back on our time together, I remember our first meeting… I was standing in the driveway, watching those strange men fill that big truck with our belongings as we were getting ready to leave him. There was a brief period after that where I don’t remember very much, and then I recall you being there with me in my bedroom as I was lying on the floor, crying… it was shortly after my seventh birthday; thank you for that, for returning to me.
  New friends, new schools, old friends, new rules… it all would’ve been so much harder had you not been there to protect me. 'Big Brothers', 'Uncle’s at Large', different programs and activities to help distract me from the void, and each one quitting on me long before I ever had the chance to walk away. But you helped me, you taught me how to give up on people first, how to protect my heart and not get hurt when they would inevitably walk away. You taught me how to not need anyone to make me feel anything. You taught me how to always look ahead and to not pay attention to the stands or the empty seat or the phone not ringing when they were supposed to be there, when they were supposed to let me know that I mattered, and you helped me learn to not care… thank you for that. You taught me how to keep my distance and only give up so much of myself, only let them know so much, only give them just enough, so that they could still walk away, but not take anything from me… thank you for that. And then when I moved back in with him, all alone, you really held me down… you made sure that anyone or anything in my way was gonna have a really tough time making me care. You taught me how to read his moods and figure out how the day was going to be depending on whether he was drinking or not. You showed me his hiding spots and made sure that I was prepared to face what was to come, even if it was just him ignoring me for a few days… thank you for that. In fact, I remember a time when everything started to hurt again and you tried to convince me to just become completely numb, and I did for a while, I did my best, but then I remember waking up one morning and not wanting to be alive, not wanting to be here, and that wasn’t like me, but the numbness had gotten so heavy it created this fog, and I just couldn’t take it, I, I just, I didn’t know what to do. So, slowly, I gave myself permission to feel again, just here and there, little by little, some laughs, but nothing too serious. And then later on, I remember the first time I gave up, even against your advice and my better judgement, I gave up a small piece of my heart… just enough to test the waters… but I couldn’t help it with her, I couldn’t stop myself, I couldn’t stop thinking about her, I was always trying to find ways to be near her, and even though you didn’t want it, I did, and I made sure that she saw me, I made sure that she knew who I was. And even now, looking back, I know that I loved her, but just enough to make sure that she questioned herself being with me, and I inevitably opened the door for her to walk away… thank you for saving me, and for never letting that happen again.
  Through many moves, people, places and things, over the years, you’ve been the one consistent thing in my life, always there to call on, and even fast-forward to him dying, you were right there with me, watching him slip away, even after all of my effort, crying, begging and pleading for him to stay, and even cursing out God because we’d finally found a bit of light, a little understanding and some healing had occurred between him and I… and then he was gone; but you weren’t, no, you were right there with me, making sure that I didn’t break, become too vulnerable, or show too much pain. But you know what?...Fuck you!.. ‘cause then you left me stranded, just like everyone else had always done, just like he did after we left him when I was six, and then again on the floor after taking his last breath, and you left me high and dry, alone and lost in the dark. When I lost control of everything and fell apart, you were nowhere to be seen… where were you then, huh? Fuck you, you betrayed me! I gave you so much of me, I let you push people away and I never questioned any of it, I let you let me break my own heart before anyone else could even get close enough to try. Yeah, at first it worked, we worked well together, but then every time I ever really needed you, like to help save me from myself, to help me see over the walls you’d helped me build to keep everyone out, you were fucking gone, you abandoned me. Fuck you… you were never worthy of me.
  I’ve been without you for a long time now, years, and I hear you knock every once in a while when life gets a little loud, when I’m let down by people or I put my heart on the line and no one’s listening, no one's there… but I do hear you, and you know what, I’ve been inside-out with my heart exposed for far longer than I ever could’ve imagined being capable of, on my own, and my dedication to shining a light on the darkness and giving hope to those in need of that little voice, that gentle reminder, that little voice that you work so hard to drown out for so many, it’s my love for that light that will prevail in this story.
  I still lose people, I still have people give up on me, I have people who I’ve believed in not believe in me, but you know what, those simply aren’t my people for this leg of the journey… and I’m okay with that, because Love knows nothing of distance.
  Life has a funny way of pairing us with different kinds of pain, and maybe I never should’ve accepted your help all those years ago, but when I look back at the pain and sadness that somehow saw itself in me, I can also see that every time you weren’t there, there was a light that was, a light that was just awaiting my smile. Since I was six years old, standing on that driveway, I’ve depended on you to protect me from the darkness, and never fully understanding that you were in fact shielding me from the light. And so, I do thank you for your darkness, for the shadows which you once had cast upon the pain, for that is what inevitably opened the door and gave me the courage to step into the light... and smile...

                                                                                                                                    Goodbye, old friend.

WE are ONE

WE are ONE

As devastating, tragic and sad as it is to continue to have to send prayers to parts of the world that are being destroyed by greed and hatred in the name of God or the misguided beliefs of right and wrong, it surely won't be long before the world is sending prayers to you or I, wherever we may be. Until we as a whole, as a race of ONE, stand up collectively for the very basic human rights to be treated fairly and equally without borders or manipulated circumstances, in the name only of Love, we will continue to be the separates who allow wedges to be drawn between us and will forever be susceptible to the exposure of hatred and killings in the name of whatever convenient label is given to greed.
This is the only time I will be here as I AM, and I'm tired of being bombarded with darkness, anger and hatred by the lips of those whose value for life is unmatched by a Universal truth - WE are ONE. 
Prisoners will often say, "I'm just here to do my time"... has this also become the thought pattern for 'The Free World'?

- Peace, Love is God.

The Light

The Light

I've been here before
Not there, but here
This darkness is familiar
I've been waiting for you
And this time I have a surprise
I am not the same
I welcome your attempt at persuasion
For I have found my light and I am in need of nothing
Life has become my guide
And so I ride the waves
Joyously, I ride the waves
Like a child fearful of the hill, I drop to my knees and I roll to the bottom
Filled with cheer, laughing as I spin out of control
The climb was difficult, yes, but thoughts of the descent were near paralyzing
And still I did it
And so I welcome the darkness, for I have found my light
And for each breath that I am given I know now that I will be okay
And for every wave and hill that attempts to set fear into my heart
Beware, for I am on the hunt for you
Like a child with no case of the tomorrow's
I am here today, and I welcome your wretched shadows of doubt
For I have found my light
I have found my light

Her Love

Her Love

"Let me change the way you see things," she whispered softly.

Get Ready!

Get Ready!

After a super cool and successful soft launch, we've got some dope new colors and fall wear coming soon! Thanks to everyone for your continued support. Peace & Love



The entire Universe is in your favor, Dear One.