Imagine a world where Love leads the way. Where every life is sacred, and the suffering of another feels as real to us as if it were our very own. In that world, violence doesn’t exist—not because it’s been forbidden, but because it no longer makes sense. Instead, we’d see each other clearly, meet each other with empathy, and choose kindness. Not because it’s simple, but because it’s the only way forward.

Love is asking us—quietly, but urgently—to start now. To let go of what separates us, to let the walls we’ve built around ourselves crumble, and to open space for something new. A world where peace is not an idea, but who we are. A world where Love isn’t just a fleeting feeling, but the foundation we leave behind. A world where Love becomes our legacy.

It has always been Love.

Maybe it’s time we remember that. Maybe it’s time we let it guide us home.

We are the light.